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11.07.24, Amdavad

I applied to the University of Cologne for a Bachelor in Physics today! I dont have anything figured out really but I've been thinking about this decision for over a year now

02.07.24, Amdavad

A short while ago i got this idea that i had to have a website... Don't ask me why but a few days later I'm sitting here suffering with html, looking around different blogs for inspiration and one Idea i quite liked with this: a now section, where I'll hopefully do some updates on my life just in case you're curios whats going on but don't want to ask me for whatever reason


Hi I'm Rasmus aka Thera online. I was born in 2005 and grew up near Münster in Germany. For more up to date infos see above.

i like skating, reading, art but always try to do new things (like this stupid website, why is everything such a pain with html?)